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Transvision Vamp
Wendy James was the iconic frontwoman of 80s indie-popsters Transvision Vamp, and in 2016 released her third solo album, The Price Of The Ticket. That year, she spoke to Jenny…
Forget Me Nots: Transvision Vamp – Little Magnets Versus The Bubble Of Babble
Transvision Vamp had the world at their feet after reaching No.1 with second LP, Velveteen. But thanks to the vicious music press and an interfering record company, its follow-up, Little…
New album review: Wendy James – Queen High Straight
Wendy James’ renaissance is one of the happiest recent pop rebirths. At their peak, her pin-up status meant Transvision Vamp were undervalued: hits like I Want Your Love and Baby…
Transvision Vamp: Wendy James Interview
In this Transvision Vamp: Wendy James interview, the singer tells Oliver Hurley how her new double album is inspired by The Stooges, The Shangri-Las and, er, Steve Martin… Wendy James…