The Pod Squad: Track By Track
By Classic Pop | January 14, 2021
We talk to presenters Dan Bull & Will Warren…
What’s your podcast about?
Each week we take a brilliant pop album and talk about it, yep, track by track. We discuss songwriting, production, collaborations, B-sides, videos, and our own memories of the act and the time the album was released, as well as some recommended further listening.
How did you get into podcasting?
We loved Pet Shop Boys’ track-by-track guides to their albums on Spotify. When there wasn’t one for Super we decided to record our own, and then did the same with some of our other favourite artists. So far, we’ve released more than 100 episodes, from ABBA to The Killers and Spice Girls to Depeche Mode.
Who’s your dream guest?
Pet Shop Boys. They’re the inspiration for the whole thing. While our music tastes can differ, they’re the middle ground and an act we both adore.
What makes your show different to the competition?
As well as being full to the brim of pop trivia and facts we hope listeners will have a laugh with our own stories and some pop culture references along the way. One listener likened us to Joan & Jericha – it’s the highest compliment we’ve received! We’ve also launched TBT’s New Music Drop – a weekly episode showcasing the best new releases, celebrating new acts as well as some old favourites.
Where can we find it?
Follow them on Twitter @trackbytrackuk