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Classic Pop Q&A: Roland Gift

Roland Gift
Fine Young Cannibals released just two albums in their short life, both of which have just received a long overdue reissue. Steve O’Brien talks to the band’s frontman. Fine Young…
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Q+A: Nick Van Eede

Cutting Crew are back with a new album of orchestral reimagining of their work. Steve Harnell talks classical reinventions with their songwriting frontman.   Nick Van Eede was discovered in the…
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Pat Houston
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Q+A: Pat Houston

Whitney Houston’s sister-in-law is bringing the pop diva back in hologram form with an innovative new tour, as she tells Douglas McPherson… Eight years after her death, Whitney Houston is…
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Johnny Marr
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Q+A: Johnny Marr

Celebrating the first 10 singles of his solo career with a new boxset, Johnny Marr tells John Earls he won’t be looking back for long… It’s rare that Johnny Marr…
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